Saturday, February 21, 2009

Study: Most Free iPhone Apps Have One-Night Stands

An analytics company recently conducted a study that found most free iPhone apps are rarely used after the first day they're downloaded.

In fact, only 20 percent of users use free apps again after the first day they're downloaded, according to Pinch Media, who based its analysis on trends seen in 30 million downloads. And within a month, most users stop using the app altogether.

The problem for developers? Advertising revenue. Advertisers shell out cash not just based on the number of downloads, but also how often each app is used. In other words, if you're hoping to make it big like iShoot developer Ethan Nicholas, just know it's extremely difficult to rake in money with a free iPhone app given the quick drop-off.

I can certainly vouch for the analysis. I'm especially picky about what stays on my iPhone springboard, and I'd say I delete about 90 percent of free apps a day after I download them. What are your thoughts?

Via blog.wired

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