As expected, the biggest news with Apple's second-generation iPod Touch is its drasticallyreduced price. The 8GB version of the iPod Touch 2G is now $229 (down from $299), the 16GBis $299 (down from $399), and the 32GB is $399 (down from $499).
Size :
The new iPod touch 2G is smaller and lighter than the original, 3.5 inch touch-screen,measuring 4.1 by 2.4 by 0.33 inches and weighing 4.05 ounces. With its rounded edges,flush display and curved, more compact design, the iPod touch 2G is promised to be morecomfortable to hold and more portable than ever.
iPod touch 2G users can choose from hundreds of gaming titles such as "Spore Origins" and"Scrabble" from Electronic Arts, and "Real Football 2009" from Gameloft available oniTunes or directly through the App Store application on the iPod touch. The App Storeworks over Wi-Fi, enabling users to browse, purchase and wirelessly download applications.
Battery and “Genius”:
The new iPod touch 2G promises up to 36 hours of music playback or six hours of videoplayback on a single charge. It also works with the new iTunes 8 Genius feature, allowingusers to automatically create playlists while on the go. These playlists can also besynchronized with iTunes 8 servers.
Others features in new iPod touch 2G:
Build-in accelerometer for casual listening; more convenient volume controll button on theedge; the newest improvements “Nike+iPod” which can help you track your workouts byslipping a Nike+iPod sensor into you Nike+ shoes.
Then, Let’s talk about how to enjoy multimedia on your New iPod touch 2G
Part 1: How to free download video to your new iPod Touch 2G
I always download free video and music from Youtube and limewire. Youtube streaming videos are all FLV formats, so you need to play the video with aflash player programe on your computer, and if you want to put them on your new iPod touch2G, use a iPod video Converter to convert FLV to MP4 format.
I got this totally free Youtube downloader, just enjoy.
Limewire is a fast and popular freeware working on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
Through the P2P (peer-to-peer) network, you can free download various video and audiofiles by keywords searching. Most of its video formats is MPEG, so convert them andtransfer to your iTunes then iPod touch 2G.
Part 2: How to convert DVD to iPod Touch 2G
The new iPod touch 2G can only play MP4 and H.264 video, but DVD movie is MEPG, MPEG-2video and CSS protected, so you need an application to convert DVD to MP4 video, then syncit to iPod touch 2G via iTunes.
To complete Part 1 and Part 2 I recommend you iPod studio pack
which include a DVD to iPod converter and video to iPod converter.You can get familiar with the apps by using this detailed step by step guide:
Part 3: How to convert files back to your computer and transfer between iPod
Because iTunes prevents you from copying music or video from the iPod touch 2G back tocomputer, so you need a special tool to do that. Here are the free applications that cando the job:
and then re-add it to your iTunes library and sync it to other iPod touch 2G.
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